Portfolio company of Climate Investment, founded by the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI).



The Ebendo flare gas recovery project is one of the two flare gas projects developed by ICA-Finance in collaboration with Carbon Limits Nigeria that are located in the Niger Delta.

The project was initially developed under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. It was registered under the CDM in 2012, but the project development work ceased when the prospects for carbon co-financing disappeared following the carbon credit price collapse in 2012-2013. The project development work resumed with the launch of the offset mechanism under the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) of the European Union. Therefore, the project transformed from being commercially unattractive to being financially viable.

The project is implemented by Xenergi bringing substantial sustainable development benefits to a region which suffers from instability and under-development.
The Ebendo flare gas recovery project site in the Niger Delta, Nigeria (implemented by Xenergi).

The project is at an advanced stage of commissioning, but a substantial volume of gas is still being flared. There have been technical and financial challenges which have delayed the project completion. Getting to the stage of stable operational conditions is now helped by near-term prospects of carbon co-financing.

The project has approximately the same size and design features as the Egbaoma project, the second operational flare project by ICA-Finance in the Niger Delta. Hence, it has similar climate mitigation and sustainable development impacts.

The Ebendo flare gas recovery project site and infrastructure located in the Niger Delta, Nigeria (implemented by Xenergi).

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